Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sugar Free Budget Arnold Palmer

Sugar Free Arnold Palmer

I can't drink sugared drinks, they make me sick to my stomach.  So this is my version of a sugar free Arnold Palmer only it's cheaper and you get more than the store bought version.

4 cups hot water
16 regular black tea bags
1 packet sugar free lemonade powder
1 cup Splenda
8 cups cold water
4 cups ice

1. Heat 4 cups water, pour over tea bags and let steep at least 15 minutes.  
2. Pour into a 16 cup pitcher.
3. Pour the 8 cups of cold water over the steeped tea.
4. Pour in the lemonade mix and the Splenda and stir
5. Top off with around 4 cups of ice (enough to fill the pitcher).

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